Should you find that users are not appearing in the intranet or their details are not correctly updated via Active Directory synchronisation, but you know they are in a tracked OU, there are a number of things to check which could be preventing a new user from being created.
The first thing to take a look at, if you are allocated the System Manager security role, is the Active Directory Synchronisation report. To access this head to the configure menu > Site Settings > OIS > select your installation > Active Directory User & Group Synchronisation > Reports option. Here you will see a list of users found in your active directory, you can use the filter at the top of the list to search for specific users. Any problems will be highlighted in the warning or errors column and you can also see whether the user is in scope (placed in an OU that is being tracked and should synchronise to your site).
Common errors that are experienced are :
Email address - this field is used as a primary key and a user cannot be created without a valid email address. As a mandatory field and primary key, it’s also essential that the email address you’re using is unique for each user.
Username - this is also a unique field and a user will not be created if there is a duplicate username in the system.
Telephone fields - this field is a numeric field and shouldn't contain information such as 'ext' or '('.
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